Fully Automated Funnels And Follow-Up Campaigns Use The Power Of A.I. To Build Your List And Get New Customers!

These Funnels And Follow Up Campaigns Are Pre-Built And Ready To Use. Just Edit The Copy And Go!

Learn More In The Video Below And Sign Up For Free Today!


Get Leads From Website, Webchat, SMS, DMs, and More


Follow Up With Our Pre-Built Email, SMS, & Messenger Marketing Campaigns


Send Them To Our Pre-Built Funnels And Web Pages That Convert.

Do You Wish "Tech" Was Easier To Use?

Meet SmartMarketingAI.

providing all the tools your business will ever need

With the power of a.I. is what we do best

No contracts • Cancel Anytime

All Your Tools Under One Roof

Works for every type of business

Market, Sell, And Deliver Like A Pro

No contracts • Cancel Anytime

Now You Can Replace ALL these software & MORE!...

It Also Replaces $945 In Costs

...Every Month!

If you were to pay someone to create these fully automated follow up campaigns for you ...and program all the "tech stuff" so that everything worked perfectly, it would easily cost at least $2,000.00 ...PER CAMPAIGN.

And that's not considering the value of the pre-written copy templates!

You're getting 12 complete campaigns ...all set up and ready to be tweaked and deployed. That's easily a $24,000 value.

The same can be said for the funnels. It costs about $2,000 to get someone to just design a funnel. And that's just for the layout and overall "look and feel".

You're getting NINE of them. Each template is based on high-converting pages and funnels that have withstood the test of massive ad spend and thousands of visitors.

The Savings ...

And there's also the fact that SmartMarketing A.I. REPLACES most (if not all) of the expensive software you're probably already paying for.

Think about it. A good funnel builder like Clickfunnels starts at $97. The pro version is $297. Solid page builders like Unbounce start at $90 a month and their cool version is $225. InstaPage is $199 a month.

And these tools are good. They're worth the money!

Then take a look at what solid email systems cost. ActiveCampaign is a good example. Their most popular plan is $149 a month. And if you have more than 2,500 people on your list, it gets more expensive. Keap (formerly Infusionsoft) is about the same. They start out at $169 per month and that's if you only have 1,500 people on your list!

And these services are great. They are 100% worth the money.

Now consider what you pay for web chat. A great web chat service is Intercom and their cheapest package is $79 per month ...and you have to pay annually!

Then think about messenger apps like ManyChat, scheduling software like Calendly, and two-way texting software like SlickText. They're all really great but boy do the costs add up! If you factor in services like those you're looking at an extra $200 per month ...and that's assuming you have a really small list!

Now think about video, Wistia, Vimeo, and other video players can cost anywhere from a few dozen dollars (if nobody watches your stuff) all the way up to thousands every month.

SmartMarketing AI hosts all your videos for you. Plus it tracks how long your prospects watch them ...and then follows up accordingly! That's another saving of hundreds (if not THOUSANDS) each month!

If you average it all out and add it all up,

This Replaces At Least $945 In Costs

...Every Month!

And what's really great is it's all under one system.

So you don't have to duct tape a bunch of stuff together and deal with the headaches that come with doing that.

And don't forget.

As good as all those other tools are, none of them have our pre-built templates and campaigns!

So not only are you saving money but you're also saving time.

Which is why using SmartMarketing A.I. is a really easy decision.

No contracts • Cancel Anytime

The First Ever All-In-One Platform That Gives You The Tools, Support,

And Resources You Need To Succeed With Your Online Business

STEP1: Get Leads From Every Channel... Not Just Websites.

SmartMarketing AI can get leads from everywhere ...not just from your website.

  • Get Leads Directly From Facebook Messenger and Instagram DMs ...And Follow Up With Them Automatically!

  • Get Leads Directly From Web-Chat ...And Follow Up With Them Automatically!

  • Get Leads Directly From Inbound Calls And Texts ... And Follow Up With Them Automatically!

  • Get Leads Directly Facebook Lead Forms ...And Follow Up With Them Automatically!

STEP 2: Follow Up With Our Pre-Built Fully-Automated A.I Campaigns

Complete Multi-Step Campaigns With Pre-Written Copy Templates...

Ready To Go At The Press Of A Button. No "Tech Stuff" Needed!

STEP 3: Send Them To Our Pre-Built Funnels And High-Converting Web Pages (Or Use Your Own!)

New funnels are being added all the time and you can also create your own web pages (and funnels) from scratch with our super-easy funnel builder. (It's what we used to build this page!)

But we're still not done. SmartMarketing AI gives you even MORE ways to turn your leads into sales ...

But That’s Not All SmartMarketingAI Does...

SmartMarketingAI Gives You Everything You Need To Market, Sell, And Deliver Your Products Online

All In One Convenient Spot!

SmartMarketingAI Is...

Your Website

Building a website or publishing a blog used to be a grind. What would normally take forever to design and develop can now be done in a single afternoon!

With our funnel editor, you can...

  • ​Experience insanely fast page loading speeds, which means a whole lot more conversions and sales

  • Fully customizable, drag and drop page builder that anyone can use regardless of computer skills

  • Dozens of beautiful page templates ready for you to plug in your content and flip the switch

SmartMarketingAI Replaces:

No Contracts • Cancel Anytime

No Contracts • Cancel Anytime

SmartMarketingAI Is...

Your Membership Site

Listen, recurring revenue is the secret to a thriving online business. The best way to make that happen is with a membership site.

With Membership Sites, you can...

  • ​Grow a thriving subscription-based business for a stream of monthly revenue without worrying about getting new clients

  • ​Upload training videos and content in minutes without spending money on outside video software

  • Build and strengthen your tribe by unlocking and releasing new content all within the membership area

SmartMarketingAI Replaces:

SmartMarketingAI Is...

Your CRM

Getting customers to your store is great. But keeping your customers is critical if you want real business growth.

With SmartMarketingAI CRM, you can...

  • Strengthen brand relationship and track your customers’ growth in real-time

  • Trigger automated funnels based on customers’ behavior

  • ​Get a detailed insight on what your customers actually want (...which helps you create more products!)

SmartMarketingAI Replaces:

No Contracts • Cancel Anytime

No Contracts • Cancel Anytime

SmartMarketingAI Is...

Your Email Marketing

Email marketing to follow-up with your customers is massive when it comes to scaling your online business to the moon.

With SmartMarketingAI Email Marketing, you can...

  • ​​Easily create and send email broadcasts, promotions, or new offers to your audience

  • ​Build-out and split-test email automations based on customers’ behavior

  • Experience premium email deliverability support so your emails land in your customers’ inbox

SmartMarketingAI Replaces:

SmartMarketingAI Is...

Your Analytics

Data is king. Without it, you could be creating the wrong offers for the wrong traffic, and wasting a whole bunch of time and moolah.

With SmartMarketingAI Analytics, you can...

  • ​Get clear data on what’s working and what’s not working in your funnels, with instant reporting

  • ​Track open rates, click-through rates, page conversion rate, average cart value, and more

  • ​​See how your students are progressing through your digital courses

SmartMarketingAI Replaces:

No Contracts • Cancel Anytime

SmartMarketingAI Gives You Everything

You Need To Succeed Online

Plus Funnels To Get Customers To Find You!

Sales Funnels

Convert your online visitors into actual paying customers


Create your web presence exactly the way you want

Online Courses

Turn your knowledge, passion or experience into revenue

Email Marketing

Reach and engage with your audience where they are


Create powerful workflows to automate your marketing

Landing Pages

Create landing pages for your website or your funnels

Membership Site

Build a membership site to generate recurring revenue

Global Products

Create your product once and sell it inside any funnel

A/B Testing

Run A/B tests on your website, funnels or email campaigns


Create a blog that positions you an expert in your industry

Customer Center

Delight your customers with their own personal customer center


Get all the data you need to grow your business

Funnel Editor

Easy and powerful drag and drop page editing experience


Get a detailed insight on what your customers actually want

Ecommerce Store



Countdown Funnels



Try SmartMarketingAI Today For Free And Witness The Awesomeness For Yourself

No Contracts • Cancel Anytime


The A.I. Inbox identifies your most interested prospects and allows you to have real-time conversations with them over Email, Text, or Messenger.

It literally knows when they're just on the brink of buying ...and allows you to step in answer questions and close the sale.

For example ...

Here Are Just A Few Of The Ways A.I. Inbox

Can Help You Sell Even More!

  • If someone starts to order but doesn't, A.I. Inbox can alert you, send them a text, and allow you to have a two-way text conversation right there in the Inbox itself. (You never have to leave SmartMarketing AI.)

  • If someone sends you a DM, A.I. Inbox can get their number and their email, and allow you to start a two-way conversation on any (or ALL) of those channels ...right there in the Inbox.

  • If someone goes to your sales page, A.I. Inbox can email, call, or text them for you and ask if they have any questions. When they reply, you'll see their reply right there in the Inbox and you can start selling directly.

  • Let's say you send an email out that says "Open This If You're On The Fence". A.I. Inbox can track everyone who opens and then reach out to them with an offer to answer questions over email, chat, messenger, or phone. All of their replies are right there in the Inbox so everything is organized and super-simple. (This one tactic alone is a game-changer.)

  • If someone visits your scheduling page but doesn't book a call, A.I. Inbox can reach out by text, email, phone, or messenger and give you the chance to help the, find a better time (or just close them right there on the spot!)

  • If someone watches your webinar but doesn't buy, the A.I. Inbox can reach out and ask them if they have questions or need help.

  • You're able to have complete two-way conversations across multiple channels ...in REAL TIME ...all from one Inbox.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to pay for updates?

No! We give constant updates to our software, add new templates and you get it all for FREE! Because SmartMarketingAI is on the cloud, when we make an update or add new features, they automatically show up in your account!

Is my information secure?

Yes! Security is our top priority, and we run SmartMarketingAI on the highest protected servers available to ensure your information, subscribers, and members area are secure. You don't have to worry about staying up-to-date with "plugins" that can easily be compromised.

How long are your contracts?

There are NO long term contracts or commitments. You can use SmartMarketingAI month to month, and cancel at any time you'd like!

If I have questions, is there someone I can talk to?

Yes! We have a first class support team who can answer your questions 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! Just click on the chat widget on the bottom of any of our pages.

What can I integrate into SmartMarketingAI?

SmartMarketingAI integrates seamlessly with Google calendar, Google My Business, all social media channels, QuickBooks, Clio, Stripe, Shopify, and more.

Does the software include a payment gateway?

Yes! You can integrate with Stripe, PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Authorize.net, and more in the near future.

Is there a limit to how many funnels, contacts, workflows, domains, emails I can use?

Nope. You have no limits to the number of funnels, contacts, workflows, domains, or emails you can use.

Can you handle the load?

Yes! Because SmartMarketingAI is hosted on the largest public cloud cluster in the world (powered by Amazon and backed up by CloudFlare Security + CDN) we have virtually unlimited ability to scale in real time. Whether you send 100 visitors or 100,000+ today, it won't slow us down!

Who owns the data / content / subscribers?

You do! Any content (including your users) is 100% owned by you. SmartMarketingAI doesn't have permission to use that content or contact your users for any reason. SmartMarketingAI is just a tool for YOU to deliver YOUR content!

If I don't like SmartMarketingAI, how do I cancel?

Simply login to your account, click on your account settings and click "cancel my account". No need to call, email, or talk to anyone!

Try SmartMarketingAI Today For Free And Witness The Awesomeness For Yourself

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